his holding a concert in bangkok this April..
should i go..?
like seriously, should I really go.. ? I want to go sooo DESPERATELY!!!
but hurm.. is it really safe to go to bangkok these days.. * thinking hard*
damn JE, always holding their show, concert in Bangkok ..
why not try changing the venue to Kl instead.. then i wouldnt be having this double thought about goin because there would be no way i', gonna miss seeing da dorky AKIRA, drop-dead-gorgeous-KUROSAGI, Super Cool-AIZAWA SENSEI..ect2
At first when encik puan mas told me about his concert, didnt really have any intention to even consider going to this concert. but after some time, cant help but to think of going..
and over time, the thought grows more intense.. huhu
and usually i will follow what my heart tune my mind into
seeing him dancing... ~~~~~~~~~~ heaven~~~~~~~~~~~~~* dreamy mode*
But really, thinking of going to foreign place without any friend doesn't seem inviting at all..
SO.... WHO's COMING WITH ME? haha ( on your own expense i mean)
anyway... just found out the original singer of the song. No wonder the song have so many engrish to it.. LOL
but .. i think his version make more sense..
* put a msg in a bottle*
*track you down by a satelite*- i donno bout you.. but the lyrics doesnt seem to fit's kinda weird even.
and his voice was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better suit for it.. Ok.. heavely Pi biased.. but WTH.
hurm.. wonder, how much is one Baht to RM ?
ne, i know you would be so depress if i'm not there to support you.. * cough*.. LOL
that's more like it.. * doing the nobuta power gesture*
and YEs.. I still have a great crush on you mr Akira san.. ohoho
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel great to be able to fangirl back.. !!!
feel free to be me for a while.. haha.
I miss you my crazy fangirl self.. !!! Good to have you back.. * pat self*
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