
Monday, September 14, 2009

yeh yeh!!

today's class is the last class before Eid..
Yay.. !!!happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can't wait to go back home... !!!*jumps*

my research tittle have been approved... Yay!!That's a total relief for me since that was stressing my mind these few weeks. now, i'll have to stress for the research method and it's equipment.. AHHH..just thinking of it make me tired again. lately i get tired easily...A sign of aging? oh no!!

everyone is busy packing their bags now.. wah.... after tonight, it seem that there will only be me and Nisa left in this house.. Oh.... scary.. and sunyinya.. x leh kacau kueja ngan ilah dah malam ni.. huhu.

this year, i didn't have much time to make the Eid cards, so .. trully sorry my friends if u got em' later or not getting em at all. u noe, with all this business and assignment goin on.. i dont have ideas to make a card now...( Padahal boleh ja bagi kad yang dah siap, tapi malu lah saya kalo bagi yang x handmade.. dah x special la..hehe.). tapi.. kepada cik Adib dan Aliaa..tuan hamba berdua tidak dibenarkan untuk x mengepos kad raya kat beta.. Jangan lupa. beta murka karang..

sooooo........since it'll be a week holiday, i will be non-posty during this 1 week until further notice. so, SELAMAT AIDILFITRI SEMUA.

notakukutangan: Kepada semua yang mengenali diri ini.. ( chewah)..tolong maafkan semua kesalahan saya yang "tersengaja" atau tak " tersengaja". kepada yang buat salah kat org tu.. orang dah 4give dah korang.. tapi 2 4get tu..wallahualam la.

notakukukaki: sapa nkberaya ngan saya.. cepat buat reservation.( konon diri ini most wanted macam liyana jasmay la..haha) kalo x nanti km x tau boleh pegi umah korang ke tak kalo cik Usup dah buat plan.

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