
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


remember when i said that i have a VERY VERY BAD Luck with people..
it's happening again.. and with the same person.. cet
vavik tul la jadi camni lagi esp time aku dah putus harapan nak keja kat sini..

I think i have made it clear that i dont wanna have anything to do wit that girl..
still why ask me to move out with her.. And Why HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( dalam ramai2 orang)
dont wanna work where she work..
dont wanna go out when she tag along ( because mulut dia mmg x da insurance and yes.. I dont like narcissistic-nosy attention seeker)
Don wanna but in when she's busy seeking attention- HEll, I dont care about your boyfriend or your life, I dont EVEn wanna fucking care about YOU!!
I dont wanna act like i enjoyed her STUPID INSULTING remarks about me( which she obviously think is funny/ amusing)
I dont wanna act normal when I really feel like hitting her hard in the face the next time she open her stinky mouth and insult me.
and doesnt that make it REALLY CLEAR that..
LIVING WITH her in the SAME HOUSE again Is impossible for me!!!!

seriously think I'm SICK of all this game of life..
I'm SICK OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's high time for me to get out of PJ..
there are thing I can tolerate..macam keja ngan Si tukang Kipas boss yang semakin malas bt keja, tahan kena marah ngan boss yg racist, tahan kena tengking ngan patient ultrasound yang tak reti bahasa..diperli/dimarah oleh Radiologist yang pro-si tukang kipas, di-ignore oleh rumate aku dari 2-3 minggu lepas.. Aku boleh tahan ngan suma tu..



living with the bitch-from-hell is not something i can take right now( or the next 2 month)-unless you really want to see me going seriously depress..

AND HELL NO!!!! I dont wanna relive my 1st year depression again..
i'm walking out of all this mess...
she's going to torture my feeling NO MORE..

2 is VIP:

Anonymous said...

Kalau sakit hati dengan bos, baca je kat dia pantun ni (dari buku ‘Alamak Bosku Seperti Hitler!’) hahaha:

Pagi-pagi, sudah mencemuh,
Si pemandu terus terdiam mengeluh,
Bos ini jenis yang kecoh,
Dapat “Tan Sri”, satu dunia dia heboh.

“Ada pelanggan hendak jumpa”,
Itulah kata si setiausaha,
Bos enggan, mengantuk katanya,
Biarkan pelanggan berjumpa air liur basinya.

Bos memanggil mesyuarat mengejut,
Ada pekerja berjalan bak siput,
Bos pun menengking sampailah semput,
Para pekerja terkentut-kentut.

VIPcologist said...

masalahnya bukan ngan bos..
bos dan racisnya tu boleh tahan least semua pkerja tau dia racist..
tp kalo mengahadpi si hipokrit yang menyakitkan jiwa raga, kita ja tau dia jahat, org len x nampak.. tu lagi seksa. as if kita yg salah dan jahat kalo crita kat org len.

nway .. thx..